A Profound Reform of Heart in the School of Mary
The Offering of One’s Heart to Mary
THE SOUL: O Mary, O my dear Mother, I’ve come to the end of your month and I feel a regret within my heart: during this time I’ve entrusted myself to you, and like a good mother, you have taken me by the hand and have taught me so many truths. Now that the month is at an end, it seems that I am now almost abandoned to myself. I am inexperienced, weak and forlorn; I always need you, my Mother, and, hence, I entrust and consecrate to you my heart.
Here it is; I place it in your hands; I entrust it to your mercy. Will you accept it, O good Mother? I give it to you without reserve, because I know that in giving it to you, I give it to God. You are the mediatrix between him and creatures; you are the advocate of poor sinners; you are our hope!
MARY: Come, my little child; I receive you and welcome you into my Heart. Here is your refuge, your peaceful shelter; I seal you in it … come to me! This Heart of mine is the way to heaven; I make you pass through me in order to lead you one day into the bosom of God. Trust in me; be consoled! Your painful exile will pass and I myself will accompany you into the heavenly fatherland.
This month with me has ended, but not my love for you: I bless you.
Live in peace, in communion with the Eucharistic Jesus; live a life of submission to the will of God, of prayer and of charity; flee from sin; love virtue … one day you will see me in heaven and all of your anxieties and your sufferings will end. Amen.
ASPIRATION: Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation.
LITTLE WORK: Spend this day in an act of unconditional trust in Mary.