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Men’s Rosary Crusade

St. Mary's Cathedral - Forecourt 2 St Mary’s Road, Sydney, Australia

When God’s warriors go down on their knees, the battle is not over, it has just begun. MEN’S ROSARY CRUSADE is a movement of men publicly offering reparation and repentance to God on the ‘First Saturday’ of each month in honour of Our Lady of Fatima and her requests. Confession is available from 11.30am and […]

Men’s Rosary Crusade

St. Mary's Cathedral - Forecourt 2 St Mary’s Road, Sydney, Australia

When God’s warriors go down on their knees, the battle is not over, it has just begun. MEN’S ROSARY CRUSADE is a movement of men publicly offering reparation and repentance to God on the ‘First Saturday’ of each month in honour of Our Lady of Fatima and her requests. Confession is available from 11.30am and […]

Men’s Breakfast – Jesus said to them, “Come and have Breakfast” Jn 21:12

Hrvatski Katolicki Centre Blacktown 70 Douglas Rd, Blacktown, NSW, Australia

NOTE: Due to Church Picnic "Christ the King" being on the last Sunday of Nov and Knight's Fundraiser being on the 30th Nov, Men's Breakfast scheduled for 8th Dec. Come and join like minded men, we meet every last Sunday of the month (exception being December).

Men’s Rosary Crusade

St. Mary's Cathedral - Forecourt 2 St Mary’s Road, Sydney, Australia

When God’s warriors go down on their knees, the battle is not over, it has just begun. MEN’S ROSARY CRUSADE is a movement of men publicly offering reparation and repentance to God on the ‘First Saturday’ of each month in honour of Our Lady of Fatima and her requests. Confession is available from 11.30am and […]

St Johns Park Men’s Group

Croatian Catholic Center St. Nikola Tavelić, St Johns Park 86-90 Brisbane Rd, St John Park, Australia

Come and join likeminded men, we meet every third Thursday of the month. 7.30pm: Vespers 8pm: Presentation 9pm: Agape

Men’s Rosary Crusade

St. Mary's Cathedral - Forecourt 2 St Mary’s Road, Sydney, Australia

When God’s warriors go down on their knees, the battle is not over, it has just begun. MEN’S ROSARY CRUSADE is a movement of men publicly offering reparation and repentance to God on the ‘First Saturday’ of each month in honour of Our Lady of Fatima and her requests. Confession is available from 11.30am and […]